Photos: 1 & 2 The old vegetable garden being fenced.
One side was completed and the Welsummer flock took up residence. We had planned on reseeding the other side and once the grass had become established move the hens to that side whilst we reseeded the other.
However, as usual things didn't go quite as planned. We had bought a mixed sex group of weaners and it became apparent that we needed to separate the gilts from the boars. So the gilts were moved into the unfinished pen. Over winter, once the now pig pen was empty we planned to rotovate, level and re seed, ready to move the hens this spring, but the weather prevented us from doing so.
Photo: Tamworth gilts in residence
We have recently been able to make some progress at last. The first major job was to dig a soakaway and dismantle an old rusty water tank, now that has been done working the ground back to something remotely suitable to reseed can begin.
Photos: 1. The old water tank to be removed 2. Tank removed, trench and soakaway dug. Now the digging begins.
All the hard work put into your set up is very inspiring; not least because I see how small our own back garden is and how little I really have to do! Well done all round. I'm sure the livestock appreciate it too!