Monday 2 August 2010

Update on Indentifying Sex of Exchequer Leghorns

The Exchequer Leghorn chicks are 8 weeks old and the sex of most of them distinguishable.

Below a few photos of the ones I believe to be cockerels... Dave ?

If I'm right they are the same individuals as Dave of Castle Farm identified when the chicks were just a couple of days old.

Photos: (Click on image to enlarge, once enlarged click on the image again with the cursor on the chick to be identified.)

First an overall view of the eight.

Starting from the left. The middle of the three .. male ? Two in the foreground .. . male ? Three on the right, the blurred chick at the back .. male? Decision made on the shape of the tail.

Comparing the chicks when a few days and now (8 weeks) The numbers refer to the original photos in the previous post

No1: The chick in the center of the picture. This chick is smaller and less developed than the others.It is also the one on the left of the two in the foreground, in the photo above showing all the chicks.

No2: This chick is the most developed of all. Nice looking and active.

No5: Indentified as a possible at 2 days by David. Bold and friendly and possibly my second choice.

No7: Indentified as female at 2 days, one I am uncertain about... In the second photo the chick on the right in the foreground


  1. Chick 5 Cock.
    Still not 100% sure of 7, but looks like a cock.
    The strongest cockerel in a group will surpress the masculinity of the other cockerels by as much as 3 weeks before maturity.

  2. Thanks David...hadn't heard about the delay in maturity before.

    I know without seeing them and watching their behaviour it is difficult to do but at a later date if I take several photos and describe each one could you please advise me on which one or two to keep :)or maybe easier to say which ones not to.
